EDI - Empowerment of Kosovo minorities through Education, Dialogue and Involvement in decision-making
EDI - Empowerment of Kosovo minorities through Education, Dialogue and Involvement in decision-making processes
EDI project was financed by Austrian Development Cooperation
BSFK in cooperation with Play 4 All (Play International), and The Ideas Partnership implemented 3 phases of the EDI project. Project started
EDI - Integration of Kosovo minorities through Education, Dialogue and Involvement in the municipal decision making process.
The EDI project aim the integration of Kosovo minorities through education, dialogue and involvement in the municipal decision-making process.
Accordingly the action is structured in three different components, with each component designed to target a specific problem area as outlined above:
• The first is the education component, which aims to increase the quality and level of education of children and adults from the targeted communities, transforming attitudes to the importance and accessibility of schooling through four Learning Centres and through bursaries enabling mature students to complete their high school diploma through evening classes, and to encourage university participation.
• The second is a Strategy advocacy component, which aims to promote the uptake of the Strategy amongst all relevant parties, through awareness-raising and training.
• The third is the multi-ethnic dialogue component, which aims to increase interethnic dialogue and reduce ethnic stereotyping amongst different communities.
The focus areas have been chosen based on the consortium’s experience and expertise in the particular areas, as all three organisations work closely with and for local communities and have strong existing relationships in all proposed project target areas.