
Iddentification and referral of benneficiaries, and assisstance in neds assessment and monitoring in Municipality of Fushe

Iddentification and referral of benneficiaries, and assisstance in neds assessment and monitoring in Municipality of Fushe Kosova

Iddentification and referral of benneficiaries, and assisstance in neds assessment and monitoring in Municipality of Fushe Kosova

Project was supported by IOM Kosovo.

Project was implemented in Fushe Kosova from 3rd August until November 2020

Objective of the project:

Most vulnerable people in targeted areas (particularly women, children, minorities and other persons of concern) have access to social and economic protection mechanisms.

Targeted beneficiaries:

Most vulnerable members of non-majority communities, internally displaced people (IDP’s), Returnees, and survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) and domestic violence (DV) which were affected by the COVID 09 pandemic.